Monday, January 05, 2015

American Exceptionalism

America has its warts.  In the past we have had our experiences of barbarism, persecution and oppression.  I challenge anyone to name a major country in the world that hasn't.

The Warts -

1.  The genocide and brutal oppression inflicted on Native American Indians in our imperialistic westward expansion across the North American continent.  The Indians have never recovered.

2.  The acceptance of slavery in the United States from the founding through the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.  Racist attitudes continued in much of America, particularly the South, for the next one hundred years through the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  In the half century since 1964, for all practical purposes, racism has been eliminated in America.  The fact that black Americans today occupy leadership positions in every profession proves it.

3.  Imperialist aggression in the late 19th and early 20th centuries during and following the Spanish-American War.  The war resulted in the American annexation of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines, directly resulting in the bloody Philippine-American War.

4.  Various meddling in the affairs of foreign countries over the years by the CIA, particularly in the Middle East.  (Given the history of Islam and its goals of global domination perhaps we didn't meddle enough).

The Exceptionalism -

1.  Engine of growth for economic development around the globe

2.  Provider of aid and support to underdeveloped nations

3.  Provider of aid and support around the globe to countries experiencing natural disasters

Furthermore, throughout our history prior to this president and his administration the United States displayed global leadership and exceptionalism in many more fields of social and economic development that benefitted all mankind.

1.   Liberty / Freedom / Individual Rights

2.   Justice

3.   Democracy

4.   Property rights

5.   Capitalism's generation of unprecedented economic growth and national wealth

6.   Global defender of democracy, liberty and justice around the world

7.   Integration and opportunity for immigrants who assimilate into society

8.   Leading educational institutions

9.   Leadership in technological revolution

10. Exploration of Space / Men on the moon

Unfortunately, now our commitment to these ideas and goals is diminishing thanks to the Progressives and their ideological, megalomaniac agent of change in the White House.  That means we are becoming unexceptional as those folks intend.

The real question is why do Democrats want to convince people that we are history's bad guys?  Why do they want to change what has worked to create the most successful, most powerful, most generous, most benevolent, most free nation in history.  Why do they impose policies that destroy that progress?  Recognizing that liberal economic, social and national security policies are self-destructive should be a no-brainer.

People cannot begin to understand the progressive wing of the Democratic Party personified by Barack Obama until they understand that they reject everything America stands for, including the basic principles that form the foundation of our country.  They reject liberty for all, as everyone must conform to their approved politically correct thought processes and proper behavior.  They reject justice for all, as they continually seek to buy the votes of those they can exploit at the expense of those whose votes they can't buy, and therefore must be punished.  They reject free speech, as they continue to censor conservative opinions and publications in educational institutions and progressive controlled states.  They reject free markets by piling more regulations on every business and interjecting government industrial policy to over-ride supply and demand.  They reject private enterprise by imposing control over health care, financial services, energy production, labor markets, and dictating what people can and cannot buy.  Worst of all, they maintain that America is an evil country that is responsible for every war occurring around the globe (every adversary and terrorist has justifiable grievances against America), the oppression of foreign countries (economic imperialism), and destruction of the planet (fossil fuel production and consumption).

They also contend America is still racist.  In a sense, that is true.  True racism is when one believes a particular minority is inferior and needs public assistance in achieving equality.  It implies certain groups are not capable of gaining equality by themselves without the help of some superior intellectual beings deciding what is best for them.  Clearly the racists in America are the Democrats.

Many black Americans today do continue to have to deal with injustice - inferior schools, fatherless families, inadequate jobs and low wages, substandard housing in violent neighborhoods, incarceration.  But those situations are not caused by ingrained racism.  They are caused by liberal policies that have created that environment and promote dependency and irresponsibility.

American society today is also dealing with women's issues and gay rights.  They are the result of a major revolution over the last half century as society has changed dramatically as women enter the work force and gays come out of the closet.  Throughout history, women were subservient and gays were not tolerated.  Total equality cannot be created overnight from such momentous changes.  It took a while.  But no matter what anyone's personal opinion, it is indisputable that as of the end of 2014 women and gays have won.

As far as civil rights are concerned, whether they involve minorities, labor, women, or gays, America has taken a lot of shit when we actually have been among the world leaders in recognizing those rights.  What kind of world would we have today without the USA?  Do the Progressives ever think about that?

A friend of mine said his political position is a rabid centrist, even though I am pretty sure he leans a bit left.  Regardless, I like that term.  I will adopt it as well.  After all, I'm economically conservative in the sense that government should balance its budget and encourage private enterprise, free markets, and fair competition, not control and dominate a nation's economy; a defense hawk that believes in maintaining tactical, strategic, and technological military superiority while limiting bloated bureaucracy; religiously and environmentally agnostic; and generally socially liberal, although that depends on the issue.

The problem is that everyone describes the center differently.  For example, the media describes Obamacrats as centrists when in fact they are the most far left big government Orwellian dictators America has ever had.  This government ignores the Constitution and mandates laws from the Executive Branch the majority of Americans oppose and could not pass Congress.  They use the power of government agencies to illegally harass citizens, impose restraints on freedom, and reward their financial supporters (IRS, EPA, NLRB).  Those are not actions of the political center.  Obviously whoever controls the media can declare where the political center is.

The problem is that logic, truth, facts and historical experience do not count for much to many people.  Most don't know enough to be able to tell the truth from the lies.  People get their information from a multitude of different sources.  For example, some only listen to social agitators, others to liberal news organizations, and others more conservative sources.  Some people believe the agitators, others believe in evaluating known facts and evidence.  Many just don't give a damn about being informed.  A recent Associated Press - GfK poll revealed that only 37% of Americans think it is important to be informed on current news and public issues, well below past results.  In fact, 20% don't give a shit at all and feel no obligation to know anything.

The interesting thing about politics is that generally everybody wants the same thing - the enjoyment of prosperity, justice and security for all.  The problem is the violent disagreement on how to get there.  The only thing for sure is that the liberal policies of the last 50 years have not worked.

Obama and the Progressives tell us the United States is and has always been a mean and evil oppressive, imperialistic country.  Does anyone truly believe Western Europe, North America and the rest of the free world would not be living under the oppressive thumbs of dictatorial tyrants if the US had not entered both World Wars on the side of the Allies?  After each war did we remain in Europe and impose our government on those nations we defeated or our allies?  Does anyone ever consider what kind of world we would be living in under the threat of total nuclear war if Ronald Reagan had not forced the Soviet Union to capitulate in the Cold War?  Apparently not.  Evidently some cannot comprehend that the United State of America is the world's indispensable nation.

Finally, everyone in the world is certainly entitled to their own opinion.  But it is a really huge mistake when the first job one ever has where reality can prove those opinions wrong is President of the United States.  Academia and community organizing are not jobs where decisions have real consequences.  As this president is proving, it is absolutely disastrous when the person in charge is an ideologically driven megalomaniac who cannot accept the abundantly clear evidence that his preconceived ideas and opinions are disastrously wrong.

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