Monday, December 05, 2016

President Donald

       Less than one month after the election and I am tired of Donald Trump already.  I knew I would be.  After all, he is an east coast big government politically unpredictable chameleon who cannot contain himself from being obnoxious.  But that is so much better than Hillary Clinton, who belongs in jail for an abundance of reasons, and who would have completed Barack Obama's agenda of turning the United States of America into an oppressive third world welfare state.
       Unfortunately, crony capitalism and most of the political hierarchy are not going away.  The financial and political establishment has not been tossed out - they have just been re-arranged.  And Trump has already shown us he knows nothing about capitalism and free markets by threatening free trade and strong-arming American companies to not build facilities outside the US.  But there are a lot of benefits of a Trump presidency -

  1. Americans can tell the whiny, tantrum throwing, perpetually offended, politically correct pampered pansies to grow up or take a hike.
  2. Normal Americans will still be subject to the censorship of their opinions and the derision of being called racists, homophobes, misogynists, xenophobes, and other nasty names by the rabid left, but those assholes will no longer be in charge of the country to take us down the shithole of Orwellian progressivism.
  3. The bullshit of black lives matter, occupy Wall Street, spineless college professors and administrators, and other radical groups will no longer matter.
  4. We might finally stop the insane deterioration of our national security and stand up to terrorism and foreign governments that promote aggression against us.  
  5. Maybe now our leaders in government will support law enforcement officials so policemen will be able to enforce the law rather than serve as politically sanctioned targets.
  6. Perhaps business regulations and corporate tax laws will be changed to allow small and medium size businesses to be reborn to lead economic growth.
  7. Maybe we will get some control over health care costs.
  8. Maybe our educational system will be reformed to educate rather than indoctrinate, control college costs, and give those stuck in the inner cities a real education.
  9. Maybe we will restore some meaning to the word illegal regarding immigration.  
  10. Maybe we will stop appeasing our enemies and alienating our friends.  
  11. Maybe we can avoid the prospect of the politicization of the Supreme Court and the permanent establishment of socialist oppression by the Orwellian progressives.
  12. And despite the Donald's obvious arrogance and authoritarian inclinations, perhaps Congress will again become a functioning member of our government.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Reflections on the Apocalypse

Everyone should know by now that neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump should be president of the United States.  Hillary belongs in prison and Trump belongs in a mental institution.  Hillary's election will allow Democrats to rewrite the Constitution and transform the Supreme Court into a liberal rubber stamp, giving the Democrats a permanent dictatorship.  Obama started the process, Hillary would finish it.  On the other side, nobody has a clue about what Trump would do as president.

Unfortunately, most Americans seem to think they have only two choices to vote for.  After all, how would they know other candidates exist?  The Republicans and Democrats, who control the televised debates, won't let Gary Johnson on the stage and the media won't provide the coverage of his candidacy they are obligated to do.

Gary Johnson has more experience as the chief executive of a governmental organization than either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.  Both he and his VP candidate William Weld were elected and re-elected as governors in heavily Democratic states.  Gary Johnson has proven he can handle the job, and he isn't an arrogant elitist.  Most of all he isn't Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, and he is on the ballot in all 50 states.

Gary Johnson and the Libertarians are economically and fiscally conservative and socially liberal, which happens to be the same philosophy of the majority of Americans.  Johnson and Weld believe in our Constitution and the separation of powers.  They believe in limited government interference in private enterprise and support equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity.  They most definitely do not support the globalist platform of elitist eggheads controlling our lives by mandating politically correct rules and regulations denying our individual rights.  They do not think America should become involved in foreign conflicts, but also do not advocate the unilateral disarmament and dismantling of our ability to defend ourselves from terrorism and foreign aggression currently underway in the Obama administration.  Doesn't it make more sense to vote for someone who represents the views of the people rather than the inflexible, misguided agenda of the Republicans and the Democrats?

America cannot restore its liberty, justice, prosperity or social harmony under either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.  Hillary Clinton has declared she will double down on the disastrous policies and authoritarian administration of Barack Obama.  Donald Trump is, well, just nuts.  Gary Johnson offers a refreshing alternative.  He is exceedingly worthy of strong consideration, particularly given the unworthy candidates the two major political parties are offering.  He is a much better choice than a slithering snake or a pompous peacock.

It is now nut-crunching time.  Does anybody really want to see Hillary or The Donald on the front page of the newspaper every day for the next 4 years?  The leadership of the two dominant parties is corrupt, unproductive, indifferent to everyone but their political benefactors, and intent on maintaining the status quo rather than doing what is right.  Neither of them represent the American people.  They are bought and paid for by wealthy benefactors and special interest groups.  They have controlled our government for far too long.  It is past time for a change.

I refuse to believe that the majority of Americans are greedily self-centered enough to vote based on how much they can extort from our government at the expense of others; possess a psyche that is so fragile they must be protected from the opinions of others; believe that law enforcement personnel and every white person is racist; or have just lost their sanity.  Unfortunately, I could be wrong on all counts.  Something is very wrong in a country where either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump could be the next president.  We cannot survive the continuous polarization of our society.  It is time to get a grip.

I know that Gary Johnson has no chance of being elected president.  The fact that he doesn't is quite disturbing, and reflects the reality that we no longer have a functioning democracy.  So I understand the pressure to vote for Donald Trump in order to prevent Hillary from winning the election.  Hillary Clinton has been involved in criminally corrupt, diabolically dishonest, and deviously duplicitous activities throughout her more than three decades in the public arena.  Why would anyone vote for such a deplorable person who has never done anything favorable for the American people in any office she has held.

Personally, I am voting for Gary Johnson.  If Hillary wins the popular vote in Texas by one vote I will probably have to shoot myself.  Regardless, if anyone who reads this still feels compelled to vote for Hillary, it is vitally important to vote for Republicans in the congressional races.  If Hillary wins and the Democrats take either the Senate or the House of Representatives, this country is toast.  Even Democrats have to know that is true, at least the ones who haven't been totally brainwashed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Government of the Insane

Only two weeks to go and American voters are faced with the following dilemma.  One presidential candidate is insane.  I don't think he even cares about winning the election.  It's all about the attention.  He craves it, but at the same time cannot abide criticism.  That is why he constantly says and tweets obnoxious responses to anyone who criticizes him, actions that further alienate any rational people in the voting public.

The other candidate is an extraordinarily corrupt, serial lying, influence peddling, rapacious arrogant elitist with no accomplishments that were beneficial to the American people in her years of public "experience".  She has been lying for so long she can no longer tell the truth.

Regardless, the American people are faced with the following question.  What is more rational - having a president who is insane or a whole political party that is insane?  We lived through 4 years of Jimmy Carter.  A Congress and a Supreme Court that does its job can prevent an insanely naive president from destroying the country.  But America is unlikely to survive twelve years of authoritarian politically correct progressivism.  The country cannot be saved if the whole government bureaucracy, from top to bottom, is insane.

Hillary has pledged to continue the insanity that is already in progress. For example -

1.  Unilateral disarmament and weakening the country's ability to defend itself against terrorism and foreign aggression.
2.  Alienating our traditional allies while appeasing and capitulating to our adversaries.
3.  Blaming law enforcement for enforcing the law.
4.  Claiming that government creates jobs and economic growth, not private enterprise and free markets.
5.  Doing nothing about entitlement programs that are bankrupting the country.
6.  Providing public support systems that discourage work and encourage dependency on government.
7.  Promoting an educational system that focuses on politically correct safe spaces and gender pronouns, denies students in the inner cities a quality education, and does nothing to prepare students for adulthood and real jobs.
8.  Arguing that the answer to every issue in America is to throw more money at it.

Free speech is already gone in America.  Conservative opinion is banned on college campuses, and people lose their jobs if they make a politically incorrect comment that may offend somebody, even though there is no law to not be offended.  Barack Obama and his Administration's bureaucrats make laws, rules, and regulations we all are supposed to comply with even though the power to make laws is vested in Congress by the very first section of the very first article of the US Constitution.  Democrats are eviscerating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights without the consent of the American people.  They won't stop until they have eliminated democracy altogether, if we are lucky enough to still be around.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Questions for the Cop Haters

Here's a few questions for Colin Kaepernick and everyone else who protests against what they apparently think is minority oppression, racial injustice, and police brutality. 

1. Would you like to work at a challenging, extremely dangerous job where you are underpaid relative to people in similar jobs in less stressful communities; where your co-workers are constantly leaving to escape the stress and low pay; where your future pension and health care benefit funds are disappearing dreams; where your job gets more dangerous every day because society claims you are a murderous monster if you try to do it; and where you can lose your job and receive death threats if a person assaulting you dies while defending yourself?  If you think that would be a fun job, then become a policeman.

2. Would you like to live in a neighborhood where law enforcement does not exist, and violent crimes are committed with impunity?  Then continue the irrational protesting and destructive riots to make sure that is what happens.

3. Have you ever had to make a split second decision where you lose your life if you make the wrong one?  Don't pretend you know what that is like if you haven't been there.

4. Please describe specific incidents of minority oppression, racial injustice, and police brutality.  Maybe we can hear both sides of the story, including the evidence and facts not reported in the media or mentioned by social agitators.  There is no question there will be some of those incidents that are real instances of injustice and overly aggressive law enforcement.  No society is perfect.  But you might find out the truth is not always what the agitators and your social media friends tell you.

Another thing to consider is that policemen are not the ones responsible for the most egregious cases of injustice, such as convicting the innocent and sentencing those convicted of minor crimes to long prison terms.  It is not necessarily black people or other minorities who are the victims of injustice.  It is poor people who can't afford a good lawyer.  The lawyers and the judges run the American legal system.  Blame the lawyers and judges, not policemen.
It is interesting to note that 70% of lawyers and law firms contributions to political candidates go to Democrats (  The largest legal organization in America, the American Association for Justice, gives 97% of its contributions to Democrats.  Yet black folks continue to vote overwhelming for Democrats.  Maybe they need to re-think that. 
Monsters do exist, in all colors and all walks of life.  But white people are not all members of the Ku Klux Klan or the Aryan Brotherhood.  99.9% of white people reject everything those fools stand for and want nothing to do with them.  So why are we all guilty as charged by racial agitators, liberal politicians, media commentators, and clueless athletes?
Life is not a blissful fantasy.  For most people it is a constant struggle to support themselves and their families.  People of all colors suffer injustices in their jobs and in the legal system.  Maybe it is time for athletes and other celebrities to stop being used by the liberal politicians, Marxist professors, and the Democrat's media propaganda and indoctrination machine.  Maybe it is time to realize they should be thankful they were privileged to be living in America where people with exceptional skills and determination can rise to the top of whatever career they pursue.

Friday, September 09, 2016

What Is It You Want?

Personally, I don't have a problem with some black athletes refusing to stand for the national anthem, recite the pledge of allegiance, or salute the flag.  I sometimes feel like doing the same thing, but for much different reasons.  In so doing I don't really think any of us are trying to disrespect the men and women in the military who deserve nothing but our gratitude for their service to defend our country against those who wish to do us harm.  The black athletes are protesting what they perceive to be racial injustice and minority oppression.  But that is ridiculous given the nature of American society today.  The very existence of these black folks making millions of dollars playing a game, plus the existence of a black president, black folks throughout the highest government offices in the land, and successful blacks in every profession in America proves it no longer exists in any meaningful way.
My personal protest would be against the fact that politically correct progressive authoritarian dictators have taken over the country.  They have eliminated free speech, individual rights, and personal freedom; assumed control of the economy; ignored the Constitution; and instituted thought control.  The land we live in is no longer the USA.  That is my grievance.  But that is not the point I am trying to make.
Regarding the black protests, the question that nobody asks is what the hell do they really want from us?  For the last 50 years America has bent over backwards to provide them with opportunities and assistance in participating in American progress and prosperity.  Millions of black people have taken advantage of that opportunity.  But it is never enough for the activists.  So what is it they really want?  Do they want white people to just die and go away.  Or maybe we are expected to just kiss their asses and hand over everything we have worked hard for.  Perhaps it is to just let them commit any crime they want and not have to suffer any consequences.  That is apparently the goal of Black Lives Matter (BLM).
If they want a better education, talk to the Democrats.  They're the ones bought and paid for by the teachers unions and who close charter schools because they make the public schools look bad.  If it's less violent inner cities they want, then tell BLM to take a hike.  They are making the situation worse.  There will be no law in the inner cities if the BLM people continue their absurd war on law enforcement.  Beyond that, white folks can do nothing about the fatherless children from multiple mothers.  And America cannot afford to throw money it doesn't have at more welfare.  Do they want us to raise taxes on the struggling middle class to throw even more money at social programs that don't work?  That is insane.
The way to provide jobs, education, and opportunities is to cut taxes on business, not raise them.  Employers cannot invest in new jobs if the government takes more of what they earn.  Should we raise individual taxes on those making over half a million dollars a year?  Of course we should, but the professional athletes, professional politicians, and social agitators of all colors who make that kind of money won't allow that to happen.  Eliminate tax preferences?  Definitely.  But that involves electing people other than the establishment politicians taking bribes from special interests who keep them in power, both Republicans and Democrats.

So, I would ask Colin Kaepernick and the black people in this country who protest against white America, what the hell is it you want?  What injustices are you suffering that people of other ethnic groups don't?  Too much attention from law enforcement?  Then stop committing crimes?  Oppression?  Talk to Native American Indians to learn about real oppression.  Lack of educational opportunities and good jobs.  Well, there you might have a point.  All of the things you are protesting occur in the big cities whose local governments are dominated and controlled by Democratic Party politicians, and have been for decades.  If y'all don't like the situation that exists today, the best answer to change it is to stop voting for Democrats.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Time To Chill Out

Black people constantly tell us that white folks cannot possibly understand what it is like to be black.  They are right.  We can't.  Since we aren't black we never will.  Similarly, black people cannot understand what it is like to be white.  They cannot understand what we really think, feel, and believe.  Most of them seem to believe white people are the evil monsters politically correct left wing politicians and news organizations incessantly say we are.  We aren't, and we are getting sick and tired of liberal politicians and their media lapdogs spreading that bullshit.

Black people claim white people are privileged.  A few are.  Most aren't.  The vast majority of white people have never been privileged regarding anything.  I have cousins who grew up in such extreme poverty that I would challenge anyone to match their experience - black, white, brown, or whatever.  One went to Viet Nam and came back physically, but not mentally.  He ended up in the same VA hospital as his dad, who suffered debilitating wounds in World War II.  Funny thing is, nobody in the family ever bitched about anything.  Most white people have to earn our way just as everybody else does.  Some of us have been victims of police and legal system injustice, just like people of all races have.  There are good people and bad people on this planet.  Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.  It has nothing to do with race.  It is life.  It cannot be legislated or protested away.

Privilege doesn't depend on race or ethnicity.  It applies to circumstances of birth, such as family wealth, family connections, and being endowed with superior mental or physical attributes.  Most Americans have none of those privileges, no matter what their skin color is.  All of us have suffered disappointments.  Most of us have been turned down for jobs multiple times.  Many of us have not made the sports teams, attended the colleges, or been able to pursue the careers we wanted.  Nothing is handed to us just because we are white.

Most professional athletes are born with superior physical skills.  Most of them have to work hard to get to the very top of their profession, but they do have a head start.  That is not a racist comment.  It is a fact.  Being born with superior skills of any kind is a privilege.  Some folks are just born to the right parents.  Malia and Sasha Obama were born into a wealthy upper class family.  That is privilege.  It ain't just a few white folks who have a head start in life.

Unfortunately, black people do have one obstacle to overcome that white people don't.  One political party continues to use black people to buy votes while perpetually passing legislation intended to keep black people dependent on them.  Democrats are the reason black children attend substandard schools.  Democrats are the reason many black people remain dependent on public assistance.  Democrats are the reason black children grow up without fathers.  Democrats are the reason a whole lot of black people live in violent inner cities.

Black people really need to reflect on the last 50 years and ask themselves what Democrats have ever done for them to improve their lives.  Black people need to ask themselves why they continue to vote for the party that keeps them down.  They need to ask themselves why white people would want to oppress them?  How does that benefit anyone?  Most of us are too busy trying to make a living to worry about anyone else.  We are all in this together.  We all want the same things, and we all want the opportunity to achieve them.

It is time to cut out the bullshit and quit bitching and moaning about America being a racist country.  Racism exists in every country on the planet.  Any ethnic group that hates another is practicing racism.  But in America it is an extremely small, irrelevant group of ignorant people.  It is time for black people to stop believing the crap Democrats constantly tell them about evil white people.  It is time for black people to realize that all of their problems result from mostly white Democratic Party politicians using and abusing them for political purposes.

No, I cannot know what it is like to be black.  But I do think if I was black I would stop voting for Democrats.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Time To Get Serious

OK.  Enough is enough.  Time to get serious, right?  I mean, those who say they support Hillary, Bernie, or the Donald are joking, aren't they?

If they're not, then Americans are clearly suffering from collective dementia.  If this is reality, then the 2016 presidential election is a national nightmare.  Obviously not enough people have done their homework, or understand the consequences.  This is not a game show.  Celebrity worship has no place in selecting a national leader.  Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, unprincipled, dishonest miscreant.  Donald Trump is a buffoonish, bombastic, bullshitting bully.  This will not end well if either becomes our next president.

What is so Armageddonish about Hillary and Trump?  Hillary is the quintessential corrupt establishment politician.  Hillary constantly talks about her government experience.  What she doesn't acknowledge is that experience is all bad.  She and Bill have become ultra-rich by accepting highly questionable and arguably illegal bribes from domestic benefactors on Wall Street and corporate America as well as foreign governments and individuals to provide favorable results in federal matters that the Clinton's can and do influence.  Despite her constant pandering to blacks, women, and LGBT's, as well as pledging help for the poor and middle class, she has done nothing for anyone but the top 1% during her time in government office.  And her actions, or more accurately inactions, as Secretary of State have cost American lives.

Donald Trump is no less megalomaniacal and psychopathic than Barack Obama.  He would ignore the Constitution and the separation of powers no less than Obama has.  His personality would further antagonize and polarize the American public and foreign allies, creating even more animosity towards American power and arrogance as he pursues destructive isolationist trade policies and conducts his usual hateful rhetoric.  Hell, for most of his life he was a Democrat.  He has made substantial contributions to the Clinton's in the past.  He frequently changes his mind on major issues back and forth.  His only skill is promoting himself as a brand.

Maybe the damage done by the Progressive authoritarians to America's national security, economic prosperity, individual rights, and opportunities for personal fulfillment will not be immediately apparent to everyone, but it is reality.  Since the election of Barack Obama and the Progressive's imposition of the politically correct society, for the first time in my life I have been witnessing the gradual erosion of our basic freedoms.  The tyranny of PC, the brainwashing of our children and grandchildren by the liberal educational system, and the socialist bias of the news media has created a polarized, dysfunctional society.  Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump are the result.  The best days of American democracy and capitalism are now behind us.

By the way, what exactly is it that causes people to dislike Ted Cruz.  He is the only proven anti-establishment candidate in the race, even though the media tries to label him as establishment.  Cruz is the only one talking about limiting the growth of government and reversing the 7 1/2 years of Obamanation.  Cruz does have some strong conservative views on certain issues that many of us don't agree with, but good grief, look at the alternatives.

Americans are sick and tired of everything Big that controls their lives - big government, big business, big media, big academia, i.e., the Big Brother Establishment.  We have also had enough of a dictator for President, a worthless Congress, a liberal Supreme Court, and PC bullshit being crammed down our throats.  Hillary is the poster child for all of that, the Donald is nothing more than a clueless blowhard, and Bernie is just, well, wacko.  It is time for a conservative with some balls who will shake up government as usual.  That is Ted Cruz.  That is why the Democrats and the establishment Republicans hate him so much, and why Big Media spreads so much misleading propaganda about him.  People need to take a look at the reality of Cruz rather than the liberal media generated hogwash.  There are more important issues at stake than abortion.

Of course, there really isn't a whole lot left to say about how America has gone insane when the biggest election year political issue is what public bathrooms people should use.  Apparently people today would rather focus on the absurd, the mundane, and the irrelevant rather than the important, even life-threatening issues that confront America.

I suppose if Americans want buffoon Donald Trump, corrupt Hillary Clinton, or goofy Bernie Sanders as their president, then that's what they deserve.  Ain't my country anymore anyway.  Obama saw to that.  No freedom of speech.  No freedom of choice.  No freedom to disagree with the PC bullshit.  If you don't conform you're condemned and ostracized.  This used to be America.  RIP!


Monday, January 18, 2016

Obama's Third Term

Barack Obama is always talking about changing America.  He certainly did.  Now Hillary Clinton tells us she will be a continuation of Obama and his policies.  Perhaps Americans should examine those changes Obama has inflicted on America.

1.  National Security Policies
     a. Made America less secure by turning the strongest country in the world into a feeble bystander in world events, resulting in the rapid expansion of Islamic terrorism and renewed belligerence of traditional adversaries
     b. Directed foreign policies that appeased, aided and abetted America's enemies while trashing our allies

2.  Political Policies
     a. Established dictatorial power to impose laws, rules, and regulations the majority of Americans oppose
     b. Eliminated American democracy's foundation of separation of powers by ignoring Congress and the Supreme Court
     c. Encouraged politically correct doctrine to eliminate free speech and free choice
     d. Used government agencies to harass political opponents
     e. Enriched his cronies with environmental boondoggles

3.  Economic Policies
     a. Expanded government intrusion and interference in the marketplace, hindering private enterprise and free markets while leading to perpetual slow economic growth
     b. Increased income inequality as Big Government and Wall Street profit at the expense of hard working Americans
     c. Lowered household income and reduced the standard of living for the majority of Americans
     d. Destroyed the life savings of fixed income investors by appropriating control over the previously independent Federal Reserve and instituting near zero interest rates for seven years
     e. Increased the country's outstanding government debt by 81% in just seven years

4.  Social Policies
     a. Made more Americans dependent on federal government support
     b. Encouraged hostility against law enforcement authorities
     c. Increased the price of health care while causing many to lose access to their choice of doctors and hospitals

 5.  Worst of all, polarized the American people to a degree not seen since the Civil War

Have any of Obama's changes been for the better?  I can't think of any.  Before voting for Hillary in the next presidential election, Americans need to ask themselves -

1.  Are we more secure from terrorists and/or other potential adversaries than 8 years ago?
2.  Do I feel more financially secure - has my income and job security increased?
3.  Do I believe future opportunities for me and my family are better?
4.  Has political, social and racial harmony improved?
5.  Do I still have the freedom to express my opinion without condemnation from politically correct censors?

America does desperately need change.  The change America needs to make is in direction, away from the path Obama has us on today - and the path that Hillary says she will continue to pursue.  In addition to being the most dishonest, unethical, corrupt politician America has ever seen, Hillary's stated objective is to continue to drive the country down the road to destruction. 



Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Stop the Insanity

Recommendations for the Voting Process in the US

Stop the lies!  Stop the deceit!  Stop the corruption!  Stop the tyranny of politically correct doctrine!  A massive government bureaucracy controlled by the executive branch now dominates and dictates our lives.  Today there is no separation of powers in our government.  Congress and the Supreme Court are irrelevant.  That must change.  

America's economy, social fabric, and national security are in free-fall, and everyone knows it.  Establishment politicians are the cause.  Vote them out.  There are more than 320 million people in the United States.  There is no reason to send the same 537 people to Washington, D.C. every election.

Voter Eligibility -

Democracy only works when the people voting for their representatives in government possess a basic education, an understanding of our system of government, and the ramifications of the important issues those elected officials will be debating.  People who have no idea who or what they are voting for other than what a favorite television talking head or popular celebrity tells them should not be voting.  People who do not take the time to educate themselves on the issues and each candidate's position are doing the country a great disservice if they step into the voting booth.  Voters should focus on the substance of a candidate's competence, integrity, ethical character, and beneficial accomplishments, not personal popularity, skill reading from a teleprompter, race, gender, or political party.

1.  Minimum of a high school degree or the equivalent.

2.  Photo Voter Identification Card in order to protect the integrity of the voting process.

3.  US Citizenship for a minimum of five years and maintenance of domestic residency during that time in order to ensure the voter has a vested interest in the policies of our government.

4.  Any person employed by or who receives more than 1/3 of their income from a government office or agency should not be allowed to vote.  Democracy cannot survive when the beneficiaries of government policies and spending, including its employees, control the governing process.  (It would be interesting to learn how many members of the federal bureaucracy vote for Democrats.  I would bet money it is the vast majority of them.) 

Candidate qualifications and requirements for anyone to be considered for elected federal office, i.e., president, vice-president, and Congress -

1.  No one with personal wealth more than $10 million can hold office.  An audited financial statement is required.  The reasoning is that they cannot possibly represent the vast majority of Americans since they have no clue what the vast majority of Americans lives are like.  Anyone with a net worth over $5 million who made their money in financial services, the legal profession, or as a government lobbyist should be excluded from ever holding public office.  There would be a higher probability than average they made that money either illegally or unethically.

2.  Every candidate for president should have at least ten years of experience in the private sector in a job unrelated to politics. 

3. Campaigns for office must be entirely funded with equally distributed public funds with no private contributions allowed.

4. No elected official can accept any money or other type of gratuity from anyone.

5. Lobbyists can have no personal contact with any elected official or their staffs.  All information provided to the officials and their staffs must be in written and/or graphic form.

6. Candidates must provide resumes of their educational and work history, plus all other community and political activities they engaged in during their adult lives.  Anyone with a felony is disqualified.  Background checks confirming the information by an equally balanced bi-partisan investigative committee is required.  Candidates must also produce a written summary of their positions on all issues they might encounter in office accompanied by a record of their votes on all legislation while previously in office. 

7. All media sources can report nothing regarding the candidate other than the information provided in #6, unless they discover a previously undisclosed conviction for any misdeed that can be indisputably verified.  No editorial opinions or commentary will be allowed.  There is way too much biased disinformation, misinformation, distortions, false information (i.e., lies), and misleading propaganda generated by all information sources.

8. Most important, there must be term limits for all elected to public office - one term of 6 years for president; one term of 6 years for vice-president; one term of 8 years for the Senate; one term of 4 years for the House of Representatives.  That way the people elected won't spend every day in office campaigning for the next election.  In addition, Justices of the Supreme Court will serve only one term of 20 years.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Epidemic of Induced Hysteria

News of mass murders and terrorist attacks seems to fill the headlines these days.  And of course the self-righteous politically correct candidates for public office who surround themselves with 24 hour a day security teams use the news to further their agenda of disarming the American people.  After the latest incident in San Bernardino, Hillary says, "I refuse to accept this as normal.  We must take action to stop gun violence now."  Bernie Sanders says, "Mass shootings are becoming an everyday occurrence.  We must take action to stop gun violence now."  Obviously the second sentence from each is one of the scripted Democratic Party talking points produced every day.

Barack pontificated, "We have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world (actually not true - see #1 below), and there's some steps we could take to improve the odds that they don't happen as frequently, such as common-sense gun safety laws, stronger background checks."  As usual, ownership of guns is blamed.

But perhaps a little perspective is in order.  The number of murders annually in America climbed from an average of 10,618 during the 1960's to an average of 21,166 in the 1990's.  Over the last 15 years the average number of murders per year is 15,729 - the highest number 17,030 in 2006 and the lowest 14,249 in 2014.  That is a substantial drop in murders since the 1990's.  The highest number of murders any one year was 24,700 in 1991.  The number of murders last year has dropped over 42% in the last 24 years (see #2).

Of course over the last 55 years the American population has grown from just over 179 million in 1960 to nearly 319 million in 2014.  Consequently the number of murders per 100,000 Americans has dropped significantly during that period.  The peak decade for murders was the 1970's, with an average of 9.06 murders per 100,000 people.  That has declined to 4.83 in the current decade.  The Democrats vigorous campaign against the epidemic of gun related deaths in America appears to be considerably misinformed.

Interestingly, the decline in murders and murder rates corresponds with the increase in the incarceration rate in America.  An average of around 230 per 100,000 was the rate of people in jail or prison from 1925 through 1975.  That grew to 270 per 100,000 people in 1980 and then skyrocketed to 990 per 100,000 in 2010 (see #3).  I would bet money that the murder rate decline and the incarceration rate increase are not unrelated.

But today terrorism and mass murders, defined by the FBI as murdering four or more people during one event, are a serious threat to Americans, and they are on the rise.  Why is that?  Could it be that the Obama administration is ignoring the source of terrorism and limiting the ability of law enforcement authorities to prevent these crimes?

You can't tie the hands of law enforcement, from the local police to the FBI and CIA, and expect criminal and terrorist activity to go away.  What do liberals expect to happen when they arrest and prosecute police officers for doing their jobs while encouraging civil disobedience in response to often justified handling of dangerous situations, championing rehabilitation and early parole rather than incarceration for violent criminals, and not providing the much needed treatment and institutionalization for the seriously mentally ill.

You cannot continue to ignore the source of terrorism and expect the terrorists to stop committing their atrocities.   Profiling and investigating Muslim's is perhaps not politically correct, but it is required if the nation is serious about protecting itself from terrorism.  In the PC world of today, apparently many think it is more important to not offend anyone than save American lives.

Is it any coincidence that the incidents of violence and terrorism have skyrocketed in America during the 7 years of the hate promoting presidency of Barack Obama?  I think not.  Particularly when this president continues to ignore the reality of terrorism while polarizing the country by creating an imagined war on women, an imagined war on minorities, an imagined war on LGBT's, and an imagined war on the global climate.  Instead he conducts a real war on law enforcement, free speech, private enterprise, small business, the energy industry, fixed income investors, and traditional American principles and values.

Besides, the horse is out of the barn regarding gun ownership in the US.  There are nearly 300 million guns in circulation.  Banning gun shows and requiring people to buy or sell through a licensed dealer is not a bad idea.  But requiring individual gun owners to have permits or a license will solve nothing.  Just like a driver's license, any moron can get one.  And automobiles have become weapons of mass destruction too, particularly when a driver is talking or texting on a cellphone.  It certainly wouldn't be a big surprise to find out that many of the people bitching about guns are the same ones who constantly chat away on cellphones while driving an automobile.

Liberals want to believe in ideological fantasy rather than rely on common sense to deal with reality.  The reality is that there is no epidemic in gun related murders in America.  At this point perhaps it would be a better idea to encourage gun ownership to allow people to defend themselves, their families, and associates from terrorists and the mentally deranged than to try to take guns away from the people who own them.  Apparently the one thing that all mass murder victims have in common is that none of them were carrying a firearm to protect themselves.




Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Boiling Frogs

The biggest shock to me in my lifetime has been the experience of the last seven years.  Up until seven years ago I actually believed that even though Republicans (Conservatives) and Democrats (Liberals) had considerable differences of opinions over how to get things done, we were all on the same page in believing that we lived in the best country in the world and our common goal was to make it even better.  We all believed in what was most important - democracy, individual liberty, fair justice, equal opportunity, free speech, private enterprise, free markets, protecting our national security and helping our foreign allies protect theirs.

I could understand how people can have differences of opinions about issues that are more emotional than philosophical, such as racism, abortion, gay rights, women's rights, and climate change (Yes, those are emotional issues because reasonable people can disagree about their cause, effect, or even existence).  I could understand that there could be disagreements over the best way to provide support systems for the indigent, the handicapped, and the mentally ill.  I could understand that compassion can over-ride rationality, evidenced by the fact that none of the liberal programs and policies legislated over the last fifty years have done anything to solve the problems and often make them worse.

But the last seven years have provided a disturbing enlightenment.  It took a while to grasp, like a frog being slowly heated in a pot that doesn't perceive it is in danger until it is boiled alive.  I never realized that liberal Democrats, often labeling themselves as Progressives, absolutely hate the country I grew up in and are determined to turn it into an oppressive, regressive, police state ruled by autocratic elitists.  It's like the Democrats read Orwell's 1984 and thought that is the way things should be - politically correct thought control, censorship, revision of history, and severe psychological and/or physical punishment for any opinion different from the mandated rules.

What is most astonishing is that this could not have happened without the near total compliance of the major media networks.  The presidency has become an office based on not who the people want but who the media networks promote.  In other words, elections aren't decided by what candidates do to appeal to voters.  Elections are determined by the media coverage of the candidates.  There is not and never has been unbiased, impartial, non-partisan reporting of any political issue in the history of mankind.  Human nature doesn't allow it.  But I would be surprised if it has ever been more one sided and destructive to rational and responsible political leadership than it is today.
The brainwashing and indoctrination through disinformation, misinformation and outright lies that constantly portray conservatives as wicked demons and liberals as compassionate saints has become depressingly commonplace.  Whitewashing and ignoring the misdeeds of Democrats has become the norm, while denigration of conservatives has moved beyond partisan bias to intentional and imaginative character assassination.
For example, details of the unethical behavior, the confirmed lies, the violations of rules and protocols, and lack of any real accomplishments by Hillary Clinton in her time in public office are so prevalent and indisputable that anyone who wants to know the truth about her can find it.  Yet the outrageously partisan progressive media not only ignore and cover up her transgressions but blame a vast Conservative conspiracy for even mentioning them.
It is no secret that liberals control CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the vast majority of large metropolitan newspapers, and a majority of Hollywood.  Even worse, liberals control the public school teachers unions and every major university in the United States.  Liberals are indoctrinating Americans in the educational system and constantly reinforcing their bullshit in the popular media networks.  Like the frog in the boiling pot, most Americans have been too busy earning a living and raising families to notice the creeping left wing takeover of the sources of knowledge and information in the country.  It is amazing that America still has people intelligent enough to think for themselves and reject the liberal brainwashing.
 All anyone has to do is look at the history of federal government spending to understand that liberal policies do not work.  Those policies have produced nothing but an underclass that struggles to survive in violent, drug saturated, jobless, education challenged, hopeless inner cities.  Never-the-less, all the liberals ever propose is to pour more gasoline on the fire.  They continue to promote ignorance, indolence, dependence, and polarization.  It may be too late for any chance to restore individual liberty, fair justice, free speech, equal opportunity, limited government, and our traditional principles, values, and culture.  But those of us who have the audacity to still believe that the United States of America is the greatest country the world has ever seen had better not stop trying.

Oh, and by the way, peace can only be gained and maintained through strength.  Appeasement, indifference, submissive negotiation, and blind trust never work in the real world.  That is a lesson liberals have never learned.  No other issues really matter if we lose the capability to defend ourselves from those who want to take what we have.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Americans Need to Know

The Separation of Powers is defined quite explicitly in the Constitution.  Unfortunately, the definition of an Executive Order is not.  The basic understanding is that Executive Orders are to facilitate the implementation of laws passed by Congress rather than make laws as Obama does.  But they have been issued for just about anything and everything ever since George Washington.  Since there is apparently a fine line between making laws or implementing laws, it is time for Congress to legislate what the meaning of an Executive Order is and for the Supreme Court to affirm it.

The American people deserve to know if presidents are violating the Constitution when they issue an Executive Order.  Has Obama crossed the line?  Have other presidents crossed it?  Are government agencies under the supervision of the president making laws or implementing them under Obama?  Are we going to adhere to the letter of the law or allow some judge to decide what he believes was Congressional intent?  Should the president be unilaterally allowed to act against the wishes of the majority of the American people without approval from Congress, as Obama has done with health care and the Iranian nuclear agreement, supposedly the two cornerstone achievements of his reign?

Until we get these questions answered, the United States will remain a dangerously polarized country as the president assumes autocratic dictatorial powers and does anything he damn well pleases.  Executive Orders as they are being used now make Congress absolutely useless.  It could be disbanded and we could save a lot of money.  In the last 7 years the United States has been transformed from a constitutional democratic federal republic to a totalitarian (because of political correctness) socialist oligarchy.  Is that what the American people really want?  The sad thing is that apparently about half of us do.  Either that or they are too uninterested, uninformed, or stupid to see what is happening. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The Black Hole of Insanity

Has anyone noticed that America is rapidly sinking into a black hole of insanity?  It started with the election of Barack Obama, a man with no experience in the real world, a shady if not totally opaque background, radical friends, and a readily apparent dislike of traditional American principles and culture.  The insanity grew with the imposition of political correctness on American society, and was incomprehensibly reinforced by Obama's re-election.

The Democrats continue down the road to darkness by having Hillary as their standard bearer, a corrupt and proven serial liar with no accomplishments, no conscience, and no regard for playing by the rules.  They double down with Bernie Sanders as the alternate.  At least Bernie admits he is a committed Marxist, which means he and anyone who would vote for him never learned a damn thing from history books or observation of Marxist regimes in our lifetime.

Many Republicans have now succumbed to the dark side as well with loose cannon megalomaniac The Donald the front runner.  This is a man who has a history of changing his mind on the issues and about his political affiliation more often than he changes wives and his companies declare bankruptcy.  Now the descent into the black hole is almost complete as narcissistic psychopath and rapper Kanye West says he will run for president in 2020.  He might as well.  He could win.

The presidency is obviously becoming a celebrity position with no competence, integrity, or civility required.  Nothing is required but a gigantic ego and a pompous disdain for everyone but yourself.  The more bizarre the candidate the better chance they have of winning.  Next thing you know the Bloods, Crips, Bandidos, and Aryan Brotherhood will declare their own candidates for president.

Politics is just more proof that Americans are becoming ever more ignorant and malicious by the day.  Social media blogs, tweets, and comments on news and information websites are moving beyond outrageously absurd to disturbingly incendiary.  They are nothing but vicious name calling with no substance.  The polarization of American society is close to reaching the point of no return.  Electing leaders that instigate the polarization rather than try to repair it only accelerates the coming conflagration.

Insanity rules.  In the near future sane Americans will have only two choices.  Stockpile guns and ammunition to protect themselves from the rabid haters, or sell everything and move to the remote countryside - preferably in Canada, Australia or New Zealand.  The latter option would be much more pleasant, but they may stop letting Americans in seeing how unhinged we have become.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Social Change in America

America now has women's rights, gay rights, African-American rights, Latino rights, Muslim rights, immigrant rights, and more.  Is there anyone left?  Oh, yeah.  Maybe we could have some rights for straight white men.  Even more disenfranchised are straight white southern religious conservative men and women.  What about poor rednecks?  They are considered nothing more than pond scum.  Anyone who refuses to be indoctrinated in politically correct bullshit is no longer free to believe whatever they choose.

Freedom used to mean that everyone is allowed to think and do what they want as long as they do not physically harm another person or a person's private property.  That did not give anyone the right to deny freedom of thought or speech to anyone else just because what they think or say may offend somebody.  It does now.  Since when did someone's sensitivity become more important than someone else's personal opinions?  Freedom is about individual rights, not 'feelings'.  If one may be offended by what they see or hear, they have the choice of not watching or not going to where that may happen.  Personally I am offended by everything the politically correct crowd is doing to this country.  What about my rights?

Fifty years ago America certainly had issues regarding race, gender, and equal opportunity that needed to be addressed and rectified.  It took just a few decades to accomplish a viable transition to a more equitable and just society to the degree humanly possible.  Intolerance, prejudice and bigotry can never be eliminated in any society.  When it comes to haters, just ask liberals how they feel about conservatives.  Unfortunately the professional agitators never know when to stop after they have already won.  In fact, they become more aggressive after they have succeeded and go way past the original goal, resuscitating and reinvigorating the divisive issues that had already been effectively remedied.

Personally, I believe in the philosophy and opinions of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen West, Ben Carson, and other distinguished African-Americans.  I believe they are among the most intelligent and accomplished individuals in the country.  I would vote for any of them for president in a heartbeat.  I don't believe in the divisive and destructive rhetoric and actions of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama or their acolytes.  And since I don't buy into the politically correct crap spewed by these polarizing establishment celebrities, I am labelled a racist.  Someone please explain that.

I am very tired of PC society telling me I am a racist, sexist, homophobic, right wing nazi.  I am not even close to being any of those things.  I am tired of Obamacrat liberals spouting the bullshit that straight white men are mean and evil and responsible for all the world's problems.  I am tired of being lectured to every day that we must conform to enlightened PC doctrine or be sent to anger management, sensitivity training, or re-education camps.

And I am tired of being blamed for every horrific monstrous event that occurs in this world.  For example, why would all of white America be blamed for the action of one mentally deranged individual in South Carolina?  And what does the confederate flag have to do with it?  Maybe the Libs should look inside their own actions and wonder why dangerous mentally ill people are roaming streets and neighborhoods rather than getting the medical and psychological help and/or physical confinement they need.  Better yet, the libs should look at their own actions in forcing politically correct doctrine down America's throats and triggering the unstable time bombs that do go off.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Apparently They Are Not Kidding

The intellectual exhaustion of the Democratic Party is evident by the fact they apparently cannot find a person other than the corrupt, self-promoting, integrity-lacking crook Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate.  In fact, it appears they aren't even looking.  One of the greatest mysteries of all time is why anyone would ever even think of voting for her.  She has no achievements other than getting elected or appointed to political office due to ties to her husband of convenience, nor any record of accomplishing anything of benefit to the country while occupying those offices.  The woman is all promotion and no substance.  She is a human scandal generating machine.  The last thing America needs is back to back pompous, incompetent, narcissists as president.

Her entire campaign is based on spewing the same old liberal cliches demeaning opponents and making utopian promises that never have been and cannot be achieved through the policies Democrats advocate.  Oh, and also the fact that she is a woman.  Our current president won because he is black.  Since when did either of those qualities become important factors in deciding our nation's leader?  There are plenty of African-Americans and/or females in this country who would make great presidents.  Neither of these two is even close.  When will the people who vote for them ever get tired of being conned?

Has the liberal chain of command ever considered what kind of damage their rhetoric is doing to the country?  They continually accuse everyone who does not agree with them of being heartless, greedy, racist, bigoted, intolerant, prejudiced, sexist, xenophobic, evil, violent, subhuman haters interested only in making children go hungry, denying racial groups access to personal development, throwing the elderly under the bus, using law enforcement to harass minorities, ensuring the poor have no opportunities to improve themselves, and imposing extreme right wing religious rules on everyone.

But the vast majority of people who do not agree with liberals are not and do not want to impose any of those things.  They are as tolerant of alternative lifestyles, as interested in improving everyone's standard of living, as concerned about personal and national security, and as dedicated to liberty and justice as anyone.  Furthermore, most of us are completely colorblind when it comes to intellect, capabilities, and personal relationships.

The real issues are how to achieve economic and social progress as well as maintain our national and personal security.  That is where the big differences between liberals and conservatives exist, and it would be a good idea to focus on creating intelligent and rational debate about them rather than making absurd, defamatory accusations.  No one is going to change their mind because of insults and false accusations made against them.  All that does is piss them off.  If liberals keep doing nothing but demeaning the intelligence, character, and motives of those who disagree with them on some issues, then sooner or later the vitriol will erupt into a violent conflict.  Do they really want a civil war?

I love my country and what it stands for.  I can't say the same for my country's government, its political leaders, or the uninformed people who continue to put lying, self-centered charlatans in public office.  If the Dems want to run a female celebrity they need to find one that has actually accomplished something on her own.  Hillary Clinton has not.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Lighting the Fire

Lost in all the bullshit (i.e., PC media coverage and PC approved public conversation) about the so-called racial incident in McKinney, Texas is the fact that around 100 people were breaking the law by invading private property and creating a violent disturbance.  When the residents of the community whose rights were being violated called the police to take charge of the situation, the absurd result was that the law enforcement authorities who arrived were the ones blamed for attempting to do something about the brawl that was already out of control. 

I can't think of any better way to destroy the legal and social fabric of a nation than to accommodate the promotion of anarchy.  The concept of private property is one of the basic founding principles of American society.  It was not the trespassers on private property whose rights were being violated.  Fifty years ago the police regularly used much more force than witnessed in McKinney to subdue people violating the law, and they were supported by all law abiding citizens for doing so.  Racism is not the issue.  The issue is law and order.

Yet the politically correct bleeding hearts and mush-brained haters on the left stridently accuse law enforcement authorities rather than the lawbreakers.  They claim those who view the events differently are inhuman beasts that must be cast from society and never be allowed to have an opinion that differs from theirs.  The vicious, arrogant, self-righteous airheads on the left are provoking some really bad shit that is going to happen in this country.

Who is going to protect citizens from those breaking the law when it is the law enforcement personnel who respond to the calls for help that are condemned and subject to personal retribution for handling any resistance to their authority.  No one, that's who.  Ordinary citizens will be forced to take the law into their own hands whenever their rights to life and private property are threatened.  Is that the society the self-appointed enforcers of politically correct behavior really want?

We have already lost freedom of speech in this country, evidenced by those who are ostracized and lose their jobs after expressing a politically incorrect personal opinion as well as educational institutions routine censorship of books and commentary that don't conform to left wing ideology.  We are now losing our rights to private property, liberty, justice, and personal security.  The loss of the right to life is obviously next.  Big Brother, the Thought Police, and the Ministry of Truth have already arrived.  The Ministries of Peace, Love, and Plenty are not far behind.  The English Socialism and totalitarian control of the Inner Party is well under way in America.

We are witnessing the destruction of the most successful experiment in democracy, freedom, equal opportunity, and prosperity that has ever existed on earth.  Unless the people who blindly follow the authoritarian politically correct line propagandized by the leftist elite pull their heads out of their butts, it will soon be gone.  Then it will be all about who has the most firepower.